Welcome, Valued Speaker,
Thank you for your interest in participating in our upcoming Kick Sugar Summit or Kick Sugar Podcast.
It is our pleasure to profile and promote the work of sugar educators, scientists, authors, doctors, celebrities, and coaches.
Our mission is to share the science, and strategies individuals need to reduce or eliminate their consumption of sugar and refined carbohydrates, which we know are directly linked to diabetes, obesity, depression, dementia, heart disease, and even cancer.
Below is an application form that we need you to complete in full, please and thank you.
Please be aware that your interview may be used on our summit, on my podcast, and/or on my YouTube channel. We will inform you as to which platforms your interview will appear. If we do not feel your interview is a fit for any of our channels, we will also let you know.
If you have any questions, email us at support@florencechristophers.com.
Thank you,
Florence Christophers
Kick Sugar Summit and Podcast
P.S. If you are already confirmed as a speaker (or have completed your interview), you are receiving this because we still require the information on this form. Thank you.