
Sugar Free and Beyond Alumni Membership (Application Form)

Thank you for your interest in the Sugar-Free and Beyond Alumni Membership. We are thrilled to receive your application. Please answer the following questions to help us understand your goals and expectations. Once your application has been reviewed, we will email you with confirmation of your acceptance into the membership program.








What inspired you to participate in this membership program? What interests you most about this opportunity?


Are you committed to abstaining from sugar, flour, sweeteners and alcohol? Is it your intention to uphold the 'gold standard' of abstinence-based recovery while participating in this membership community?


Recovery is a team effort. The success of any team or group pivots on its members being willing to work together, to leverage each others strengths, ask for help, give help, and to cheer each other on. With that in mind, please answer the two questions below.


There is an expectation that alumni members be willing to actively participate in the creation of a positive, supportive, and nurturing peer support culture. Are you willing to do this?


Are you willing to be an ‘active participant’ in the membership such as attending drop-in support calls, offering support to newcomers including being willing to accept their committed food, making cold call outreach calls, being willing to ask for support when you are struggling so others can have the benefit of giving, participating in a recovery buddy group, etc?


What are two goals that you would love to achieve in 2024? They can be in any area of your life. How do you hope this program will support you in achieving these goals?


Anything else you would like to add?